The Only Resolution You Should Make

Not to be bossy, but only make one resolution this year

Donna Rucinski
Stories, Science and Stillness


Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

And that is to deeply, completely, unconditionally love and accept yourself just the way you are. Really. Mean it. It’s going to be super hard to achieve this, but don’t let that stop you from trying. Because you’re perfect, whole and beautiful just the way you are.

Corollary: Appreciate how wonderful you are, and take care of yourself so you can keep being wonderful. Good food, exercise, time in nature, time to be still, fun with friends, expressive work you love, baths or long showers, soft blankets, only the most comfortable of clothes, good music, dancing, candles, reading books you love, deep conversations, time with beloved pets, and with a warm beverage cradled in your hands. Return always to this moment, noticing that right here, right now, you have everything that you need.

Imagine that you are talking to the child within you. You kneel down, and take the child in your ams. She’s sniffling maybe, whining,

“That year was awful!”

“Yes, there, there, it was, I know,” you hug the child to your chest, and maybe let them blow their nose on your shirt. “It’s okay, it can’t hurt you anymore! It’s over! Hey, look — look over there!”

And because no child can resist Hey — look over there! they turn their heads a little — just one big teary eye looking to where you are pointing.

“What is it?”

“It’s 2021!” you say. “Look how new and shiny and fun it is! Do you want to go?”

“I don’t know,” the child sniffles, still.

“C’mon, I’ll go with you,” you take one of her hands and start to point out the things in 2021, which look a lot like Disneyland. “There! Do you see? You can go to Meaningful Work You Love! Or try Loving Friendships! Or Endless Energy and Health, that looks like fun, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” though the child agrees reluctantly, she’d been secretly hoping for that. “Do you think I’m old enough to go to Falling in Love?”

“Sure you can! And I’ll be there with you the whole ride. Sometimes it might be a little scary, but most of all, It’s going to be great, and everything will turn out fine. Ready?”


Happy 2021 — may all the rides be wonderful.



Donna Rucinski
Stories, Science and Stillness

Teach mindfulness. Write middle grade books about math & friendship. YA books about school, anxiety, environment. Amateur real estate pro. On Insight Timer.